Wetherden Village Hall
Park Road
IP14 3JS
07528 065250
Wetherden Village Hall
Our activities and contacts
​ With a Large Hall, spacious Meeting room, well equipped Kitchen and a Large car parking area we can accommodate most functions
Regular activities include:
Mid Suffolk Folk Dance Club (Thursday evenings Karl & Liz 01359 258438 John & Margaret 01473 742015
Children's and Adults Zumba Fitness ClassesContact (Josie 07786 210506 Email josie@dancingsparkes.co.uk)
Line Dancing (Tuesday evenings kalvinjfinch@yahoo.co.uk)
Whist Drive (2nd Friday each month James Rand 01359 240397)
Carpet bowls (Wednesdays evenings) We are looking for a new organiser
Table Tennis (Tuesday mornings 10.00 am to midday Dawn Gibson 01359 240259dawnpgibson@aol.com )
Dance Lessons
History Group (1st Monday each month Pat Tuffin, 01359 240396, tuffinswetherden@tiscali.co.uk)
Phonics with Robot Reg Classes Email - kaysie@robotreg.co.uk www.robotreg.co.uk/stowmark
First aid Workshops (See Diary for 2023 Contact Maxine Lock peritiatrainingltd@gmail.com 07872030647)
Bowen therapy Workshops (Sally-Anne 07706 029552 Email bowenatwetherden@gmail.com)
Textile/Sewing groups
Lapwing Education
Committee meetings
Charity Events (Bingo, Quizzes, Tea and coffee afternoons etc.)​
Christmas Fayres
Other Functions
Wedding Receptions
Craft Fairs
Business Meetings
Birthday and Anniversary Celebrations
Children's Parties
Preschool interactive play experience
Fitness activities
Sewing Group